DissMark II Conference Survival Kit

The DissMark II Dissemination, Marketing and Networking Conference & Project Fair had a wide and varied participation: project coordinators and partners from different Socrates Actions (Comenius, Erasmus, Grundtvig, Lingua, Minerva, etc) involved in educational projects with a linguistic component as well as several project coordinators from other Community programmes (e.g. Leonardo da Vinci); experts in marketing educational products; educational policymakers; bodies responsible for promoting the European Language Label; representatives from the European Commission Directorate General Education & Culture and Education, Audiovisual & Culture Executive Agency representatives. Here you can see the DissMark II Conference List of Participants

The Conference allowed for the delivery of structured theoretical and practical training in the field of marketing and dissemination, for sharing examples of marketing and dissemination of project outcomes and best practices resulting from the projects, and for networking. As the new Lifelong Learning Programme had started in January 2007, the Conference was an excellent opportunity for exchange of information and an update for participants in terms of the Commission’s priorities for the period of 2007-2013. Concurrently, the event was an awareness raiser for the policy makers on the importance of developing and implementing educational projects and on the existence of various products resulting from these projects. Beyond the participating institutions the wider educational community also benefits from this initiative – as a result of improved dissemination and marketing strategies there will be more information about educational projects easily available.

The DissMark II International Conference Agenda had two full days of theoretical and practical input - the plenaries were enhanced and complemented by workshops and project presentations. The whole conference was accompanied by the Project Fair which offered an excellent opportunity for the display of projects' products and allowed for continuous exchange of knowledge, experience and information. Here you can view the DissMark II Conference Agenda and Conference Contents.

Here you can find the DissMark II Conference Compendium (PDF format) with presentations of all the projects represented at the Conference.

After the Conference the participants handed in Feedback Forms in which they expressed their feelings & opinions, identified useful tips for project coordinators & partners, and made suggestions for follow-up activities and similar future conferences. Here you can see the Feedback provided by the Conference and Fair participants.

Dissemination, marketing and networking - keys to maximising the impact of European cooperation in the field of education.

Project is supported by European Commission

This document does not necessarily represent the official position of the European Commission. The authors of the materials have the sole responsibility for the information provided through this document.
© 2012 IH Tallinn